Highly regarded as a songwriter and as a worship leader and teacher, Paul Baloche has been in ministry long enough to know that when you distill worship down to its essence, it’s really quite simple. It’s about simplifying your life to make room for intimacy, for “God therapy.”

Integrity Music: What has been the greatest challenge you've faced since you began pursuing music as a calling and a career?

Paul Baloche: Balancing ministry and music with marriage and family. Ministry and music are very "consuming" endeavors. They require lots of emotional time and energy that has to come from somewhere. It has been a lifelong pursuit to keep things in balance.

Autor: Melissa Riddle

Jahr: 2005

Update: 14.04.2006

weitere Infos: http://www.leadworship.com/resources/TenQuestions.html

© G. Baltes / T. Schröder

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