An experience like an audition can be horrifying for people, especially being rejected by common church members. So we do everything we can to alleviate the tension. We schedule auditions in 15-minute increments to keep them short. Also we have a little lounge with somebody from our team to greet them with coffee and treats. And we videotape our actual auditions. But it is important to us that no one from the team is in there when they are being video taped. We are always trying to create an environment that is free of the awkward American Idol panel moments. We send out music ahead of time along with our list of expectations and make sure to tell them what they can expect from us-when they will hear back from us and what the process entails. The point of this is to make them feel safe. If they see the team in there, then on Sundays they see these people leading them in worship who also rejected them. We always interview them first on video. And when we look over these things, we believe in the three Cs: character, chemistry and confidence.

Autor: Lincoln Brewster

Jahr: 2008

Update: 03.03.2011

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© G. Baltes / T. Schröder

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